The Project
Partnering with the Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Brackley’s brand new, state-of-the-art medical centre includes a number of custom built facilities – including a GP Surgery, 16 treatment rooms, an x-ray department, specialist clinics, physiotherapy and a well-being hub.
A core part of Brackley’s offering includes an inpatients bed service, providing specialist care for adults needing medical, physical or specialist rehabilitation after strokes or brain injuries. Airwave was asked to design and install of a TV network, to be placed within this facility.
The Technology
The installation of a headend and core RF infrastructure, enabling the delivery of television channels, was first item on the agenda.
Once this was completed, tested and signed-off, Airwave wall-mounted a number of 32-inch Samsung EF690 SMART TVs.
Ensuring that each TV’s remote control solution was conducive to a hospital environment – each unit was designed specifically for infection control in a hospital environment, attached to a curly cord (to prevent loss and theft) and placed in a wall-mounted transparent Perspex holder.
This seems like a minor detail, however it’s of massive consequence in a hospital environment, where a simple issue like a stolen or misplaced remote control can be distressing for a patient.